About Me!

My name is Marilyn and I’d like to share a little bit about why I sit here blogging.

A 60-something single woman (once married for 30 years but not any more), I have a number of interests. Things that make me excited to see each day arrive.

After retiring from 30+ years of corporate life, I spend my time enjoying my passions for history, cultures, and nature through travel, doings things like volunteering with the Toronto Zoo, the Toronto Wildlife Centre, Parks Canada and other fun stuff.

I am curious and enjoy the excuse of my four grandchildren to explore my curiosity as often as possible. Nothing puts the world into perspective quite like seeing it through a child’s eyes!

Taking pictures is also a great way to see things differently. Traveling near or far, walking through the woods or meadows with my dog, exploring a museum with a child…they are all what make each day worth seeing. Some of my pictures will show up here as I share my days with you.

Will I write something every day? No. This isn’t a diary. I also can’t say I’ll blog every Thursday (or Saturday, or Monday, or…you get it).

If I’m not reading, writing, photographing, or exploring, I’m probably outside playing with a grandchild. However, I hope you’ll find some of my stories interesting enough to come back to see what else I’ve written.

Have a nice day!

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